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4H Photography Resources


elements of photography

Getting Started (Level 1)

Learn photography basics such as:

  • Equipment
  • Proper lighting
  • Creating good composition to build your skills as a photographer

Basic Photography

How to see a photo

Composition can be practised anywhere

Phone photography tips

4-H Photgraphy Sparks

Photography Lenses

Level  1 PhotographyTake A Look Inside

Check with the Extension Office to order your personal copy to use in the photography project.

Leader/Family photography resources from National 4-H (Multiple tips on cameras, lighting and composition.)

Leading lines
Smartphone photography 101

Learning More (Level 2)

Advance your knowledge further with these skills:

  • Depth of field
  • Backlighting
  • Rule of thirds
Photo manipulation

Photography Level 2

Take A Look Inside

Video production resources

Becoming Awesome (Level 3)

Take your skills to the next level:

  • Learn more exciting techniques
  • Learn when rules of photography can be broken, how to use color to your advantage
  • Put together an attractive and interesting portfolio and learn how to exhibit your work professionally
Photography  Level  3

 Take A Look Inside

Try different genres

  • Portraits: Photograph people alone or in small groups.
  • Photojournalism: Display 3-5 photos together with captions. Together, they tell a story.
  • Close-up: Print three images taken with a normal lens, macro lens or microscope.
  • Light experiment: Take three photos of the same thing in different kinds of light.

Check out the Photography Challegnes below provided by Minnesota 4-H to  gain helpful tips to take your next photo. A great project meeting resource for project leaders. 

Digital Storytelling/Film Making

Take your  photography  skills  to  the  next level. 4-H youth ages 9 and older can develop and share their skills as filmmakers. Whether you are interested in documentaries, graphic animation, public service announcements (PSA), or just want to create fun videos to share with your friends and family, 4-H is the place for YOU! Discover  resources, see examples of youth-created videos, and meet some of the 4-H volunteers who are helping with this program. Enroll today!

The 4-H Filmmaking Studio and Workshop is an online website to learn about filmmaking, digital storytelling, and videography. On the main page, you'll find video workshop modules to assist you with making your own films. Practice with your camera and tripod, learn about filmmaking tricks, find your passion and voice, tell your digital story, and upload your film to share with others.

Other resources:

Share Your Video!

4‑H Filmmaking Studio and Workshop

The video workshop modules assist youth with making their own films. Youth practice with cameras and tripods, learn about filmmaking tricks, find their passion and voice, while telling their digital story.

This 4‑H Filmmaking Studio and Workshop was developed in collaboration with Montana State University and is hosted by National 4-H.  Your film making career is just a  click away!

4-H Film Making Showcase Opportunities

Public Service Announcement - Prepare a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute in length) that communicates an educational message. The video should demonstrate skills in making and editing video.

Promotional Video - Prepare a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute in length) that promotes an event or advertises a specific project/product. The video should demonstrate skills in making and editing video.

Animated Video - Video in this class should represent creative animation of original artwork created by the exhibitor. Media might include images created with graphics software or hand-drawn images.

Stop Motion Video - Video in this class should use animation to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence with editing software. Clay figures are most often used in stop motion for their ease of repositioning (also called claymation), but any object may be used as the subject for this class.

Documentary - Video in this class should represent a research-based investigation into a topic of choice. Video credits should list research sources and may include paper or electronically published materials, and/or interviews with experts or constituents related to the topic of investigation.

FilmFest 4-H 2022

August 2022 
Check details!

FilmFest 4-H is a national film festival for youth that are filmmakers, visual artists, aspiring actors, and those that are just interested in meeting other creative people. FilmFest helps youth become producers, not just consumers, of digital media.

FilmFest 4-H takes place in a 4-H environment. Imagination, fun and curiosity are essential! Cameras, smart phones and mobile devices are strictly encouraged. Courtesy and creativity are always in style. FilmFest 4-H provides a venue for 4-H members to demonstrate their filmmaking skills plus generate even more enthusiasm for 4-H digital filmmaking in their home state.

Featured: Screenwriting competition!
In addition to our traditional youth film submission categories, FilmFest  4-H began accepting screenplays for competition in 2021. Information about the category rules and guidelines can be found in the "Resources" tab.

This exciting annual festival is a showcase of films, seminars, workshops and more. Attendees will be exposed to advanced filmmaking techniques from industry professionals, network with fellow 4-H filmmakers, discover new techniques & ideas, and celebrate their successes. Zoom and hydrid options offered. Film Fest is hosted by Missouri 4-H in Branson, Missouri.
For more information:https://extension.missouri.edu/programs/missouri-4-h/4-h-projects-opportunities/4-h-opportunities/4-h-filmfest

Cool videos

What are you telling me?

What should be in my photo? What should not? Make photos that tell the story you want them to tell. 


Composing a photo means arranging the things in it. 4-H'ers explain the rule of thirds, how to set a mood, background and subject, depth of field and more. 


4-H'ers explain perspective: how you see the subject, where to stand, distance, framing, angle, awareness of camera, orientation.

More photography tips

Watch a whole playlist of tips for your 4-H photography project. 

For volunteers

Find training, camera kits and more support for volunteers on our volunteer site.


Future study & careers

Photographers need a good eye, lots of practice and usually take classes to understand their equipment and constantly changing software.

Photography is a 21st century communications skill, useful in any profession. Professional photographers may use their skills in many industries. They may become business owners, contractors or artists.

Explore a photography career with Kansasan Jim Richardson,  National Geographic photographer.  Twenty-one Questions Interview

More Photography Project  Resources From Missouri  4-H