Officer training

Club Officer Books

Congratulations! Now that your club has elected you as an officer, you, and all other officers of your 4-H club are representatives. As a 4-H Club officer, you represent not only your club, but also the 4-H program throughout the state. Your skills and abilities, standards and ideals, grooming, speech and even smiles represent Kansas 4-H members. Representing others is one of your most important responsibilities because it exists at all times - not just while you are at 4-H events.

The officer's books to the right contain a job description for your position along with helpful tips and reminders. The secretary and treasurer's books also include form fillable options. Due to variations in browsers, it is best to download to your own computer.

Tips for Being a Good Leader

1. Be a team player.

2. Be thoughtful of others.

3. Be helpful.

4. Be a good sport.

5. Be reliable and responsible.

6. Celebrate others' success.

7. Be fair.

8. Have fun with 4-H!!!

Officers Training material

The 2021-2022 Officer's Training is a distance learning opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding about the roles and responsibilities related to serving as a 4-H officer. Complete this officer scavenger hunt to get credit for officer's training for 2021-2022.

Scavenger hunts are due back to your local Extension office by January ??

2021-2022 Officer Scavenger Hunt (PDF)


4-H Club Corner

Welcome to the 4-H Club Corner! Thank you for volunteering to share your time and talents as a 4-H club leader. Below are tools and resources to support you in your role. We appreciate you creating a rich and vibrant 4-H club experience for members and their families.

If there are additional resources that you need, please contact your local extension agent.

principles reflections welcoming new members Greet Sheet
Youth Program Quality Principles 4-H Club Meeting Reflections Welcoming New 4-H Members 4-H Greet Sheet
new family guide Creative toolbox rollcall
New Family Guide
Creative Ideas to
Enhance Club Meetings
4-H Club Leader's Toolbox Creative Roll Call Ideas
agenda learningpathway morethanafairentry puzzle
4-H Club Meeting Agenda Kansas 4-H Learning Pathway

A 4-H Project:
More than a
Fair Entry

Putting a Meeting Together
mtg wheel Team Building Connecting parent's committee
4-H Meeting Wheel Virtual Team Building
*used with permission*
Connecting New Families 4-H Parents Committee

iOfficer Materials




Secretary - form fillable (Word)

Secretary - form fillable (pdf)


Treasurer - form fillable (Word)

Treasurer - form fillable (pdf)

Recreation Leader

Club Planning