4-H Beef Project
Are You Into It?
In the 4-H beef project you can select from a breeding animal or a market animal. Breeding animals allow you to start your own herd while market animals produce meat products for people.
- Learn basic principles of animal science by owning, caring for, and keeping records on one or more head of livestock
- Demonstrate knowledge of sound breeding, feeding, and management practices
- Learn value of scientific research in its influence on animals and the meat industry
Here's what you can do all year!
Take Beef further!
Here are other opportunities to explore Beef:
• Visit a local feed mill and see how feed ingredients are mixed, weighed and blended to make a complete ration
• Visit a local meat locker or local grocery meat case to observe preparation and packaging
• Learn how to evaluate meat cuts, quality grade, yield grade and how these affect taste and cost
• Compare feed tags from different companies
• Ride with a local veterinarian to learn about animal health
• Attend a cattle show to listen to a judge give oral reasons and witness the differences in judging cattle
• Become a part of a youth beef team
• Exhibit or attend local, regional or national beef shows and conferences
• Is it fair time? Consider showing in your County Fair beef show or the Kansas State Fair.
• Contact your county KSU Extension Office for other local workshops, activities, and events
• Interested in a college education in animal science or veterinary medicine? Talk to you local KSU Extension Office for more information.
A Skill I Learned...
KSU Project Page
Project Goals and Meeting Recordkeeping
Beginner Project Attendance Form
Junior Project Attendance Form
Senior Project Attendance Form
Identification tags from the Extension Office will be installed at the designated weigh in/tagging.
Fair Resources
Large Animal Exhibit Card Livestock
Record for Bucket Calf Form (fillable) Add a separate page if you are unable to upload pictures
Record for Beginning Members (Bucket Calf)
Other Resources
Bucket Calf project resource-Nebraska 4H
Step it Up!
Pass it on! Now that you know how, share it with others. Here are ideas to get you started.
- Teach someone the important traits in selecting a breeding heifer
- Create a poster showing the beef cuts and how to prepare them
- Share a presentation on the importance of following drug labels
- Volunteer to do beef promotion presentations during May Beef Month
- Provide beef taste testing at a grocery store to promote local food
- Volunteer to help at the county fair weigh-in
- Arrange a tour of your farm
- Start a beef livestock judging team with help of an adult volunteer
- Lead a beef grooming and showmanship clinic for other 4-H members
Participate in the 4-H beef show at county or Kansas State Fair
- Breeding heifer
- Cow-calf
- Bucket/bottle calf
- Market beef
- Showmanship
- Rate of gain
Consider an exhibit, notebook or display showing what you’ve learned in a beef-related topic
- Nutritive value of beef
- Beef meat cuts and proper preparation
- Feeding rations
- Preventative vaccinations
- Photos of different beef breeds
- Daily routine in caring for animals
- Making a rope halter
- Grooming techniques
- Developing a foundation beef herd
- Best care techniques for newborns
- Beef by-products
- Impact of local foods on local economy
- Display of feeds or ration contents or analysis
- How to Tattoo
- Research how beef check-off dollars are used
- Video on fitting a steer and/or heifer